Required Organizational Practices Handbook 2020
For use within Canada
For convenience and ease of use, all of the Required Organizational Practices in the Accreditation Canada Qmentum program have been collected into this handbook. Supporting evidence used to develop the ROP (which is not included in the Qmentum standards), as well as tools and resources to assist organizations in meeting the tests are included. The ROPs, categorized into six patient safety areas, are:
- Accountability for quality
- Patient safety incident disclosure
- Patient safety incident management
- Patient safety quarterly reports
- Client identification
- The ‘Do Not Use List’ of abbreviations
- Information transfer at care transitions
- Medication reconciliation as a strategic priority
- Medication reconciliation at care transitions
- Safe surgery checklist
- Antimicrobial stewardship
- Concentrated electrolytes
- Heparin safety
- High-alert medications
- Infusion pump safety
- Narcotics safety
- Client flow
- Patient safety: education and training
- Patient safety plan
- Preventive maintenance program
- Workplace violence prevention
- Hand-hygiene compliance
- Hand-hygiene education and training
- Infection rates
- Reprocessing
- Falls prevention and injury reduction
- Home safety risk assessment
- Pressure ulcer prevention
- Skin and wound care
- Suicide prevention
- Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
"This handbook for purchase is only for non-accreditation clients. Existing Accreditation Canada clients who would like to access the ROP handbook or any other standards used in their assessment can access them through their online portal or by reaching out to their Accreditation Team."