Terms of Use – Standards for Personal or Internal Use
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The Document is provided by Accreditation Canada. All right, title and interest in and to the Document, including without limitation all content therein and all copies thereof, is owned by the Accreditation Canada and/or its licensors, may constitute a compilation of, or contain, papers, studies, documents and material owned by third parties (individually and collectively, “References”), and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights in Canada and around the world.
You are authorized by this Agreement to download, use, and reproduce a reasonable number of copies of the Document (in whole or in part) for information purposes only, provided you also reproduce all associated copyright notices, citations, authorship attributions and permission statements. If you are an individual, then your authorized use above is restricted to your personal use only. If you are a company or other legal entity, then your authorized use above includes permission to reproduce, retransmit and redistribute a reasonable number of copies of the Document (physically or using a digital network), but only for internal use within your organization. All other use, reproduction and other exploitation of the Document is prohibited without express written permission of Accreditation Canada.
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For permission to otherwise use, reproduce or exploit the Document (excluding References), including without limitation forcommercial purposes, please contact publications@healthstandards.org.
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