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Accessibility Plan for Accreditation Canada

This 2014-2021 accessibility plan outlines the actions that Accreditation Canada has taken and will implement to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.

Statement of Commitment

Accreditation Canada is committed to treating all people in a manner that respects their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

Accessible Emergency Information

Accreditation Canada is committed to providing our customers, clients and employees with publicly available emergency information and emergency response plans in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports upon request. When Accreditation Canada is aware that an employee has a disability and that there is a need for accommodation, an individualized workplace emergency response plan will be provided to the employee as soon as practicable.

Accreditation Canada:

  • developed procedures for an individualized workplace emergency response plan.
  • prepares individualized emergency plans for employees with a disability as required.
  • prepares assistance plans and provide assistance to employees who have shared information about their disability and requirements in case of an emergency evacuation or disaster in the workplace.
  • communicates individualized emergency plans to the fire warden personnel and, when applicable, to the employee’s respective supervisor.
  • informs all new and current employees that it is their responsibility to share any requirements for an individualized emergency response plan.
  • maintains a record of employees who require an individualized emergency response plan. Required legislative compliance: January 1, 2014


Accreditation Canada will provide training to all staff on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on the Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Accreditation Canada has taken the following steps to ensure employees are provided with the training needed to meet Ontario’s accessible laws:

  • Ensure that all current employees have received the AODA Customer Service training and the Understanding Human Rights training. In addition, all supervisors and selected departments within the organization receive training on the Integrated Accessibility Standards.
  • AODA training will be provided to all new employees in conjunction with the on-boarding orientation program.
  • AODA training will also be provided to other staff as required

Required legislative compliance: January 1, 2015

Information and Communications

Accreditation Canada is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. Upon request, we will consult with the individual to determine a suitable format.

  1.  a. Accessible website and web content

Accreditation Canada has made our websites and content conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0, Level A)

  • Any new websites or web content after January 1, 2014 will meet the WCAG 2.0 Level A and all internet websites and web content must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA by January 1, 2021 in accordance with the schedule set out in the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards.
  • Accreditation Canada will consider when possible AODA compliance when selecting technology vendors for new websites and development initiatives.
  • Accreditation Canada will consider AODA compliance when planning corporate wide projects and considering technology aspects.

Required Legislative Compliance: January 1, 2014 –WCAG 2.0 Level A - new websites and web content January 1, 2021 – WCAG 2.0 Level AA – all websites and web content, except for exclusions set out in IASR

b. Feedback Process

Accreditation Canada has taken the following steps to ensure feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities upon request:

  • The feedback process is accessible in multiple formats, such as telephone, email, mail and in person.
  • Information on how to provide feedback is included in the AODA policy and employee training materials.

Required legislative compliance: January 1, 2015

c. Accessible formats and Communication Supports

Accreditation Canada has taken the following steps to ensure all information publicly available is made accessible upon request:

In a timely manner and in consultation with the person making the request, provide or arrange accessible formats and communication support that takes into account the person’s accessibility needs and at an expense that is no more than the regular expense incurred.

  • For all Accreditation Canada conferences, registration forms will include a section for people with disabilities to request accommodations.
  • Notification in our Reception area advises the public about the availability of accessible formats and communications support.

Required Legislative Compliance: January 1, 2016.


Accreditation Canada is committed to fair and accessible employment practices and process that will attract and retain employees with disabilities through all the phases of the employment cycle.

a) Recruitment

Accreditation Canada has taken the following steps to notify the public and staff that, when requested, accommodations can be made throughout the recruitment cycle:

  • All job postings contain information on how to notify Human Resources if accessible formats or communication support is required.
  • Upon request, we will provide accommodation in relation to the materials or processes used during the recruitment cycle.
  • The successful candidate will be notified of Accreditation Canada’s policies for accommodating employees with disabilities at the time the offer of employment is extended.

Required legislative compliance: January 1, 2016

b) Individual Accommodation Plans & Employee Return to Work

Accreditation Canada is committed to developing and implementing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to disability and has taken the following steps:

  • Develop and facilitate a return-to-work process for employees who have been absent from work require disability-related accommodations. This includes steps that Accreditation Canada takes to facilitate the return to work process and uses the documented individual accommodation plan.
  • Annually, email all staff requesting they inform Human Resources should they require an individualized emergency response plan.

Required legislative compliance: January 1, 2016

c) Performance Management, Career Development & Redeployment

If required, Accreditation Canada will take the following steps to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are taken into account when we use performance management, career development and redeployment processes: Ressources humaines — novembre 2017

  • Review and as necessary modify existing performance management, career development and redeployment processes to ensure that the accessibility needs and individual accommodation plans of the employees with disabilities are taken into account.
  • Develop and provide appropriate training to managers and other employees responsible for supporting or impacting performance management, career development and advancement, and redeployment processes, and training that will ensure compliance with the processes on a continuous basis.
  • Make accommodations, when required, to support employee’s performance and productivity in their current and any future roles.
  • Review the orientation checklist to ensure the accessibility needs of an employee with disabilities are considered hen an employee moves internally to a new role.

Required legislative compliance: January 1, 2016

For more information For more information on this accessibility plan or for accessible formats of this document which are available free upon request, please contact Human Resources at:

Mail/in Person: Accreditation Canada c/o

Human Resources

1150 Cyrville Road, Ottawa, ON,

K1J 7S9

Telephone: 613-738-3800;
toll free 1-800-814-7769
Fax: 613-738-7755;
toll free 1-800-811-7088
